Transformative Technologies: New Disruptions for Global Governance
Speech IPP Mehri MadarshahiDownload
Speech at Brilliant City Event
Speech for 8 September brilliant cityDownload
PAPER-CUTTING AS INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVES AND UNESCO RECOGNITION In the 19th century the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, famous for his books like the Little Mermaid or the Ugly Duckling, Karl August Varnhagen...
Speech by Mehri Madarshahi and Hans D’Orville at Jinan Conference of Arts and Design 2024
人工智能隐患日益凸显 梅里·马达沙希:合力构建全球人工智能监管框架English|中文
导读 人工智能(AI)技术的迅猛发展正在不断重塑我们的世界。AI的交叉性和学习能力正推动着人类知识结构、决策制度和创新轨迹的深刻转型。 然而,鉴于其颠覆性和尚不明确的技术图景,其发展也有可能会导致极具破坏性的结果,特别是在地缘政治与科技创新紧密相连的当下,这一设想令人担忧。 如何管控人工智能发展,避免其可能造成的恶性结果? IPP兼职教授,联合国教科文组织国际创意与可持续发展中心咨询委员梅里·马达沙希(Mehri...
Tianjin Forum 20th-21st October 2023
Professor Mehri Madarshahi is invited to the Tianjin Forum 2023, which will take place on 20th-21st October 2023 in Tianjin and is hosted by Nankai University and the Chey Institute for Advanced Studied. Professor Madarshahi will contribute to the sub-forum I on...
Global Talent Sustainable Development Forum 2023
Professor Mehri Madarshahi is invited to the Global Talent Sustainable Development Forum 2023 to be held in Beijing on 6 September 2023. She will deliver a keynote speech under the theme "Building a Sustainable Mechanism for Global Talent Cultivation and...
China Daily Forum 12 July 2023
Professor Mehri Madarshahi is invited to speak at China Daily Forum, which is to be held on 12 July 2023, on Cultural Heritage conservation: The title of her speech is 'Cultural heritage is a primordial means of identity: transmitted, renewed, and/or modified'. Click...
专家观点 | 梅里·马达沙希:数字技术助推欧洲文化遗产保护 Digital technology promotes the European cultural heritage protection
前联合国秘书处高级经济官员 国际创意与可持续发展中心咨询委员 华南理工大学、广东外语外贸大学、 暨南大学客座教授 数字技术助推欧洲文化遗产保护 ★ 导读 ★ 数字时代彻底改变了我们的习惯、行为和预期。在人文社科领域,数字技术冲击着我们的身份认同和文化,也改变了我们向后代传承知识的方式。数字技术在赋能文化遗产领域提供了贯穿21世纪的解决方案。近年来,数字化技术的普及推动了数字文化遗产的产生。在拥有丰富多彩文化的欧洲,确保后代仍然可以享用宝贵的文化资产、从中汲取灵感,都需要借助数字化技术的帮助。...
专家观点|如何实现以碳中和为目标的公平复苏及跨文化沟通(二)How to achieve a fair recovery and intercultural communication aiming at the cardon neutral target
尽管新冠肺炎疫情全球蔓延的冲击仍然存在、国际局势出现波动,但全球化的复苏和“新常态”的建立仍在逐步实现。当前疫情趋于常态化的处境下,如何实现以碳中和为目标的公平复苏与低碳发展?文化产业如何面对跨文化沟通?在4月28日召开的第一届咨询委员会第三次会议上,创意中心的咨询委员们建言献策,各抒己见。 汉斯·道维勒 创意中心咨询委员会主席,联合国教科文组织前战略规划助理总干事 文化创意产业是全球经济中增长最快的产业之一,为社会创造了大量就业岗位,同时也是异常脆弱的行业,在疫情中受创严重,目前亟需构建一个稳定的创意生态破解困境。...