Today, every country is suffering from the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus crisis. The contributions of the culture sector comprising cultural heritage, creative and cultural industries, cultural tourism, and cultural infrastructure -just before the COVID19 crisis- was substantial and accounted for more than 3.4 percent of the global gross domestic product. In 2019, culture represented one of the most rapidly expanding sectors
Mehri Madarshahi:The importance of Macron Presidency for World
Now, Macron's most urgent priorities remain at home, where he must find a way to reconcile...
Mehri Madarshahi: Sustainable Development Survival at Stake
Professor Mehri MadarshahiFormer Senior Economist of the United NationsMember of the Advisory...
Madarshahi:A new paradigm for advancing sdgs How music can help?
Professor Mehri Madarshahi Former Senior Economist of the United Nations, member of the Advisory...
New Humanism and Global Governance
The two important and shocking events of 2016 — Britain’s exit from the European Union (Brexit)...
Joint UNESCO-Shenzhen conference on Creative Design for Sustainable Development
Humanity is now half urban and is expected to be 70% urban by 2050. Yet, 60% of the area expected...
Waste Management for Sustainable Urban Development