Maestro Tan Dun will conduct – among other compositions- his master piece on Water Music in a celebration of the World Water Day in Shanghai, China. As the UNESCO Ambassador for Water, Maestro Tan Dun will dedicate this important event to UNESCO and the United Nations as a whole. Melody for Dialogue among Civilizations as a co-organizer of this program is proud to be associated with this grand celebration which will serve as a reminder to the world audiences how precious our water resources are and what a noble responsibility for all humanity to preserve this priceless commodity for now and future to come.
It is no longer an untold story and ignored naked fact: We are running out of fresh water and as we speak, close to one billion persons in the world have no access to drinking water. Many children do not make it to the age 5 or die at birth for water related disease and cities turns to deserts for lack of irrigation water.
This major concert will be proceeded by a discussion forum organized by Alashan SEE, a Beijing based environmental NGO. The Forum will review the present water scarcity and solutions.