Today, every country is suffering from the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus crisis. The contributions of the culture sector comprising cultural heritage, creative and cultural industries, cultural tourism, and cultural infrastructure -just before the COVID19 crisis- was substantial and accounted for more than 3.4 percent of the global gross domestic product. In 2019, culture represented one of the most rapidly expanding sectors
梅里·马达沙希:多边主义的新曙光 Mehri Madarshahi: A new dawn for multilateralism
★ 本文作者:梅里·马达沙希(Mehri Madarshahi),UNESCO...
Experts | Creative Thinking in Education
原创 ICCSD 国际创意与可持续发展中心 2022-11-05 03:00 发表于北京 Creative Thinking in Education...
原创 国际视野中国情怀 IPP评论 2022-11-04 10:25 发表于广东...
Experts | Mehri Madarshahi:Space Discoveries The Future of Mankind
Professor Mehri Madarshahi · Former UN Senior Economist· Member of ICCSD...
专家观点 | 梅里·马达沙希:太空探索 人类的未来
梅里 • 马达沙希教授 联合国前高级经济官员 创意中心咨询委员 华南理工大学公共政策研究院客座教授...
America’s Promise for a Broad and Sustainable Prosperity
By Mehri Madarshahi, CCG nonresident senior fellow The slogan of “Common Prosperity” as a...