Today, every country is suffering from the economic and social impacts of the coronavirus crisis. The contributions of the culture sector comprising cultural heritage, creative and cultural industries, cultural tourism, and cultural infrastructure -just before the COVID19 crisis- was substantial and accounted for more than 3.4 percent of the global gross domestic product. In 2019, culture represented one of the most rapidly expanding sectors
The Global Upheavals and the Shifting Political Landscape
Mehri Madarshahi 全球化智库CCG 2025年02月06日 14:32 By Mehri Madarshahi, CCG...
Original Mehri Madarshahi IPP评论 2025年02月08日 10:31 IPP评论是国家高端智库华南理工大学公共政策研究院(IPP)官方微信平台 导语:...
CCG Publication: Enhancing Global Governance in a Fragmented World
30位全球智库领军人物合璧之作:《碎片化世界中的全球治理与中国作用》 Origin: CCG 全球化智库CCG 2024年08月22日 16:04...
梅里·马达沙希 Mehri Madarshahi:世界需要公平的全球治理体系 The World Needs a Form of Global Governance for All |中英文对照Chinese/English
New Publication: Enhancing Global Governance in a Fragmented World
Professor Mehri Madarshahi is pleased to see her article appearing in this new publication of CCG.