China visit of President of GCN
A series of fruitful meetings and events of the China visit of Madam Mehri Madarshahi and Dr. Hans D'orville. Lecture on climate changes and SDGs in a ,middle school in Guangzhou Meeting with IPP/SCUT Meeting with IPP./SCUT Renewal of professorship Receiving of...
GCN President to visit China 28 April – 28 May 2023
The President and the Director of GCN are invited to visit these organizations in China. The visits starts on April 28 and will continue until May 28. The President and the Director of GCN are invited to visit these organizations in China. The visits starts on April...
Annual meeting of the ICCSD Executive Board
Thematic discussions: Topic 1 (Attainment of SDGs and Carbon neutrality) Professor Mehri Madarshahi I wish to make a few remarks about thematic discussion one on the agenda. The points I will raise in my presentation, are completely reverse versions of what I...
Multilateralism or a manufactured arrangements? An urgent call to deal with post COVID 19 upheavals
This year, we along with the rest of the world are celebrating the 75th anniversary of the most important multicultural entity ever created, the United Nations. Throughout its existence, the annual meetings of the General Assembly were always perceived and...
专家观点|梅里·马达沙希:新兴技术与可持续发展 Emerging technologies and sustainable development
020年02月09日 年月日
A deadly outbreak from an unknown origin has been hitting within a short period of time the world’s community of nations with amazing speed. This new and perniciously contagious virus was named COVID-19 by the World Health Organization (WHO). So far, the disease...
城市⾯面临可持续发展难题 Attachment 专家观点 |城市可持续发展的中国模式.pdf
IPP publication were part of the University of Darussalam in Tanzania. UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SALAAM CENTRE FOR CHINESE STUDIES (CHINESE) Home About Us Publications Resarch and Consultancy Partnerships and Collaborations Photo GalleryNewsNew Book is Out:...
IPP publication were part of the University of Darussalam in Tanzania.