Mehri Madarshahi at the opening of the Oriental Jade Museum in Shenzhen
Melody for Dialogue Among Civilazations Association supports the BLUE HORIZON Art Exhibition in promoting sustainable development
Original article link: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/Kif9bqOUkJBrJxRivzampQ Melody for Dialogue Among Civilization President Mehri Madarshahi endorsed an art exhibition to be hold from 09 November 2024 to 28 Feburary. The theme of exhibition focues on sustainable...
Mehri Madarshahi among Prize Jury Committee of 2024 Design Day Marathon hosted in Beijing
Concert Home Earth electrified and well received by the world audience
Dedicated page on event of the UNESCO Official Website https://webcast.unesco.org/events/2024-09-Earth Media coverage links https://www.52hrtt.com/fr/n/w/info/A1726820851019#_t=1726950613599 https://news.sina.cn/sx/2024-09-22/detail-incpyyev1286981.d.html?from=wap...
Professor Mehri Madarshahi presented at the Book Launch & Roundtable on August 22, 2024
Enhancing Global Governance in a Fragmented World Prospects, Issues, and the Role of China CCG全新力作上线!近30位智库大咖热论碎片化世界,中国力量受瞩目...
CGTN Dialogue
CLICK THE LINK IF VIDEO NOT PLAYING https://www.cgtn.com/tv/replay?id=BeCBHIA
当法语遇上青花瓷 会碰撞出怎样的火花? 近日 法国国家奥林匹克和体育委员会 收藏了四件中国青花瓷艺术品 图为法国国家奥林匹克和体育委员会国际关系总监 Ms.Sophie Metais女士(右一)接受并展示作品 该组艺术品为上海汉书艺术家王绪远 为巴黎奥运会特别创作 作品灵感来自奥林匹克格言 “更快、更高、更强——更团结” 的法语版本 “Plus vite,plus haut,plus fort-ensemble” 艺术家以中国瓷都景德镇的瓷器为载体 将 Vite Haut Fort Ensemble 四个法语单词的首字母...
Mehri Madarshahi represents CFPA at UNESCO
At the meeting with CFPA in Hangzhou. Professor Mehri Madarshahi represent is solicited to represent the CFPA at UNESCO and they will be a partner for the 20 September UNESCO concert under her supervision.
Visit to the Science Fiction Museum in Chengdu ( (8-10 May)
Mehri Madarshahi and Hans D’Orville awarded visiting professor at Shandong University of Arts and Design
联合国教科文组织专家受聘山东工艺美术学院 5月15日,山东工艺美术学院设计策略研究中心客座教授聘任仪式在长清校区贵宾接待室举行。院长董占军,副院长韩文涛,受聘教授汉斯·道维勒(Hans d’Orville)和梅里·马达沙希(MehriMadarshahi)出席活动。党委委员、宣传部部长、设计策略研究中心主任孙磊主持聘任仪式。...